Matthew at Windy Point, Santa Catalina Mountains (near Mt. Lemmon, north of Tucson). Photo by Don Grice.
Upcoming Events
9 September 2020, 6:00pm, St. Mary’s Church, Bergen, Norway: Astronomy-themed organ recital experience for 2020 Global Hands-On Universe conference
25 March 2020, 12:00pm, Grace Episcopal Church, Anderson, South Carolina: Lenten noontime organ recital
Past Events
22/23 August 2019, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France: Music/astronomy teaching workshops for 2019 Global Hands-On Universe Conference
8 September 2018: Performance of Corona by organist Vincent Ryan, Schlosskirche (Castle Church), Wittenberg, Germany
29 August 2018, 1:00pm, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia: Lunchtime recital
14 September 2017, 7:00pm, Christchurch Transitional Cathedral, Christchurch, New Zealand: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works
20 May 2016: “Creative Astronomy Engagement through Music,” presentation at the International Astronomical Union Communicating Astronomy with the Public conference, Medellin, Colombia
5 October 2015: “Creative Teaching with Astronomically Inspired Music,” presentation at the 2015 Universe Awareness (UNAWE) International Workshop, Leiden, Netherlands
26 October 2010: Astronomy/Music presentation at the VII Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, Bath, UK
10 October 2010: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, at St. Sulpice, Paris, France
3 October 2010: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
United States
8 June 2019, 2:00pm, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina: Music/astronomy organ demonstration for the 2019 Southeastern Planetarium Association/Mid-Atlantic Planetarium Association conference
23 September 2018, 4:00pm, Forest Lake Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works
9 March 2018, 7:30pm, Christ the King Episcopal Church, Tucson, Arizona: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works
29 January 2018, 7:00pm, Episcopal Church of the Advent, Spartanburg, South Carolina: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works
3 October 2016: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Columbia, SC
18 March 2014: Astronomy/music presentation for Greater Columbia Chapter, American Guild of Organists, Shandon United Methodist Church, Columbia, SC
15 November 2013: Society for Ethnomusicology Robert M. Stevenson Concert (featuring music video of “Mauna Kea” from Pleiades Visions), Indianapolis, IN
10 July 2013: Presentation featuring Pleiades Visions, VIII Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY.
16 December 2012: Post-Evensong organ recital (featuring Pleiades Visions), St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ
4-8 August 2012: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Communicating Science conference: presentation (“Creative Teaching with Astronomically Inspired Music”) and panel discussion on multicultural astronomy education
1 May 2012: Doctor of Musical Arts Lecture Recital, featuring world premiere of Pleiades Visions, Christ the King Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ
9 January 2012: Astronomy/music presentation at the 219th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Austin, TX
2 October 2011: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, Wheaton Bible Church, West Chicago, IL
14 September 2010: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, at Shove Chapel (Colorado College), Colorado Springs, CO
4 August 2010: Astronomy/Music presentation at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach conference, Boulder, CO
19 March 2010: Premiere of In Paradisum, Pamela Decker, organist, at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Sierra Vista, AZ
20 February 2010: Performance and presentation at I Leap through The Sky With Stars music/astronomy outreach event at Biosphere 2
Featuring interactive lecture-demonstration of Nebulae given by the composer
19 April 2009: Organ a la Carte noon-hour recital, St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ
Featuring works by J.S. Bach, Olivier Messiaen, Matthew Whitehouse, and an improvisation inspired by astronomical images
8 February 2009: Recital, St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Sierra Vista, AZ
Featuring works by J.S. Bach, Olivier Messiaen, Hermann Schroeder, Matthew Whitehouse, and an improvisation
22 May 2008: Recital, St. James’ Episcopal Church, Jackson, MS
Featuring works by J.S. Bach, Petr Eben, Myron Roberts, Matthew Whitehouse, and an improvisation
All performances and presentations are by Matthew Whitehouse unless otherwise noted.