Matthew at Windy Point, Santa Catalina Mountains (near Mt. Lemmon, north of Tucson). Photo by Don Grice.

Matthew at Windy Point, Santa Catalina Mountains (near Mt. Lemmon, north of Tucson). Photo by Don Grice.

Upcoming Events

9 September 2020, 6:00pm, St. Mary’s Church, Bergen, Norway:                                                                     Astronomy-themed organ recital experience for 2020 Global Hands-On Universe                           conference

25 March 2020, 12:00pm, Grace Episcopal Church, Anderson, South Carolina:                                             Lenten noontime organ recital

Past Events


22/23 August 2019, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France:                                                                         Music/astronomy teaching workshops for 2019 Global Hands-On Universe Conference

8 September 2018: Performance of Corona by organist Vincent Ryan,                                                           Schlosskirche (Castle Church), Wittenberg, Germany

29 August 2018, 1:00pm, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia:                                                               Lunchtime recital

14 September 2017, 7:00pm, Christchurch Transitional Cathedral, Christchurch, New Zealand:              Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works

20 May 2016: “Creative Astronomy Engagement through Music,” presentation at the International Astronomical Union Communicating Astronomy with the Public conference, Medellin, Colombia

5 October 2015: “Creative Teaching with Astronomically Inspired Music,” presentation at the 2015 Universe Awareness (UNAWE) International Workshop, Leiden, Netherlands

26 October 2010: Astronomy/Music presentation at the VII Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, Bath, UK

10 October 2010: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, at St. Sulpice, Paris, France

3 October 2010: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, at Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France


United States

8 June 2019, 2:00pm, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina:                                             Music/astronomy organ demonstration for the 2019 Southeastern Planetarium                             Association/Mid-Atlantic Planetarium Association conference

23 September 2018, 4:00pm, Forest Lake Presbyterian Church,                                                                       Columbia, South Carolina: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired                                         organ works

9 March 2018, 7:30pm, Christ the King Episcopal Church, Tucson, Arizona:                                                  Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works

29 January 2018, 7:00pm, Episcopal Church of the Advent, Spartanburg, South Carolina:                         Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works

3 October 2016: Solo recital featuring astronomically-inspired organ works, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Columbia, SC

18 March 2014: Astronomy/music presentation for Greater Columbia Chapter, American Guild of Organists, Shandon United Methodist Church, Columbia, SC

15 November 2013: Society for Ethnomusicology Robert M. Stevenson Concert (featuring music video of “Mauna Kea” from Pleiades Visions), Indianapolis, IN

10 July 2013: Presentation featuring Pleiades Visions, VIII Conference on the Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY.

16 December 2012: Post-Evensong organ recital (featuring Pleiades Visions), St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ

4-8 August 2012: Astronomical Society of the Pacific Communicating Science conference: presentation (“Creative Teaching with Astronomically Inspired Music”) and panel discussion on multicultural astronomy education

1 May 2012: Doctor of Musical Arts Lecture Recital, featuring world premiere of Pleiades Visions, Christ the King Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ

9 January 2012: Astronomy/music presentation at the 219th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Austin, TX

2 October 2011: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, Wheaton Bible Church, West Chicago, IL

14 September 2010: Performance of Nebulae, Frank Shelton, organist, at Shove Chapel (Colorado College), Colorado Springs, CO

4 August 2010: Astronomy/Music presentation at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach conference, Boulder, CO

19 March 2010: Premiere of In Paradisum, Pamela Decker, organist, at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Sierra Vista, AZ

20 February 2010: Performance and presentation at I Leap through The Sky With Stars music/astronomy outreach event at Biosphere 2
Featuring interactive lecture-demonstration of Nebulae given by the composer

19 April 2009: Organ a la Carte noon-hour recital, St. Philip’s in the Hills Episcopal Church, Tucson, AZ
Featuring works by J.S. Bach, Olivier Messiaen, Matthew Whitehouse, and an improvisation inspired by astronomical images

8 February 2009: Recital, St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Sierra Vista, AZ
Featuring works by J.S. Bach, Olivier Messiaen, Hermann Schroeder, Matthew Whitehouse, and an improvisation

22 May 2008: Recital, St. James’ Episcopal Church, Jackson, MS
Featuring works by J.S. Bach, Petr Eben, Myron Roberts, Matthew Whitehouse, and an improvisation

All performances and presentations are by Matthew Whitehouse unless otherwise noted.